Wednesday, March 09, 2022

An interesting design...

On the current state of rape culture, a truly heinous catamaran, and in the "Bad wars and gas prices" department...

The January/February issue of Wooden Boat had an interesting lug rigged scow by Laurie McGowan that caught my attention.

Sure, everyone knows that I'm a sucker for anything lug or scow but I have a couple of reservations where this one is concerned. I expect that if the design ever came to fruition that it would be too rich for me to build. Considering that it's actually a pretty simple concept design you'd think it should be simple and affordable.

The offset mast and off-centerboards are going to bother a lot of folks but they make all-kinds-of sense. Still, having to explain to people for the umpteenth time that "No the boat does not only tack in one direction" gets real old real quick.

Such was the situation with our first Loose Moose which had an offset mast and off center dagger board. They worked just fine but the explaining became tiresome.

Anyway, the article on the scow is, for me at least, well worth the cost of the WB 284 issue.

Listening to Nathan & the Zydeco Cha Chas

So it goes...