Friday, March 11, 2022

Maybe if I could teleport myself...

About that new normal, somewhat worrisome, and in the "Heinous acts supporting profit" department...

There’s a CAL 34 for sale in Southern California on Craig’s List going for $2k that I find interesting. The pictures and description support a reasonable fixer upper. 

Any 34-foot sailboat selling for $2K, it’s expected that the motor is not working and has things that need fixing. But, hey it’s $2K!

To be honest, I’d love to buy this boat and would even consider doing the deed sight unseen. I have a CAL 34 and know its little secrets and perversities. So I already know what needs to be fixed and improved on. A refit with the advantage of  hindsight on a blank canvas would be a very pleasurable experience.

The cost of sorting out the boat from fixer-upper to excellent condition and ready to cruise would require the infusion of another five to eight thousand dollars. Not a terrible investment when you consider a cherry CAL 34 is going to cost somewhere between $13K and $20K.

The problem for me is that it’s in California. Resettling for two or three months is just too problematic to consider. Now if it was within five hundred miles of me, I’d have bought it already.

That said, anyone interested in the boat that would like some advice on the boat in question, drop me a line. I’m always happy to talk CAL 34s with folks of a like mind.

Listening to Gabriels

So it goes...