This is just way cool, not cool at all, and for those not paying attention, a quick rundown on the current situation...
I do most all of the work on "So It Goes" on the boat at anchor and while in a world of wake inducing cigarette boats, jet skis, and sports-fishermen it may not be for everyone but it does work for me.
Face it, what's a little power tool mayhem between friends?
Of course, I should point out that power tools can be a little dangerous which brings up a non-boat cautionary tale...
Way back when, someone I knew got ripped off by a total jerk. The thing is, folks who are total jerks tend to bring out the dark side in folks that, left to their own devices, will live out their lives on the straight and narrow and never ever take a detour that leads them to the corner of Anti Street and Social Blvd... Just saying.
Did I mention my friend had a chain saw?
Well, the short form moral to the story is that it's generally bad business to screw over someone to the point of violence when that someone also happens to own a chain saw... Because, someone might just fill it up with gas, wire the throttle open, and throw it through someone's picture window going full tilt boogie...
Apparently, it took nearly a half hour for the gas to run out in the chainsaw which, as it happened, is about the time it takes for a loggers chainsaw to totally destroy a total jerk's living room.
I mention this story because having seen the aftermath/carnage of chainsaw meets living room it has inspired a certain, shall we say, respect for power tools that either cut or bore holes... A lesson that we all should take to heart.
Listening to Rebecca Pidgeon do Zevon
So it goes...