A perfect storm, Occupy protestors 7289 / bankers "0", and on looking forward to an interesting decade...
A few folks have written questioning my sanity in saying a 24-foot boat could be a reasonable cruising platform for a couple...
So, first things first. I'm pretty sure that the simple fact that I've done 1351 posts here on Boat Bits pretty much proves the point that there is no sanity involved in this project at all.
Now, as to the possibility of cruising on a 24-foot sailboat, I'll just point you over to the 45,000 miles that Lin & Larry Pardey cruised on their Seraffyn a 24'7" Lyle Hess design. You might say that the whole "Go small, go simple, but go now" thing kinda worked for them. Fact is, their book "Cruising in Seraffyn" kinda changed my life as well.
By the way, while we're talking about L&L, it might be a good time to mention that they have a new DVD entitled "Cost Control While You Cruise" which, I for one, am really looking forward to watching...
Karen & Jim who are currently cruising on their 24-foot Dana "Sockdolager" and doing it in style have an excellent blog. "Karen and Jim's Excellent Adventure" which is well worth a read if you don't think a couple can do some serious cruising on a 24-foot boat.
Listening to The Lumineers
So it goes...
Simple Sampan
11 hours ago