A headline that caught my attention (just my take, but those who think there is such a thing as being "Too Cool" are seriously clueless and need to take a course in remedial HIP/street cred), seems to me the words Texas and justice are something of a contradiction in terms, and a student holiday is very much a needful thing...
So, the addition of another 100 watts of solar was just what was needful in the overall scheme of things. The rearrangement of the solar panels also has made for a better deployment as well... All in all, a win/win!
Unlike a lot of folks, we don't bother with a regulator(s). Most problems with solar the culprit has almost always been the regulator so lose the regulator and less chance of problems. The upside is it also forces us to keep an eye on our solar system which is no bad thing. Self-regulating mostly amounts to, if going off shopping or some such, simply upping the fridge thermostat a notch if we feel we might be close to a full charge. Hardly what you might call a hassle. The bonus is when we come back from shopping the beer is COLD!
Listening to The Wailin' Jennys
So it goes...
Simple Sampan
7 hours ago