Some seriously silly advice (apparently some folks want people like this to run our economy), excellent food for thought over on SV Third Day, and a forum well worth reading that is not filled with fools...
Since that out-of-touch idiot in Congress was good enough to advise "poor people" that the trick to living below the poverty line is doing without the luxury car and not extending your membership in your local country club, it got me thinking...
How many of us actually belong to a yacht club anymore?
There actually used to be a very solid reason for a cruising sailor to keep up his or her membership in a yacht club in the form of reciprocal privileges. Sadly these days, reciprocal privileges have become something of a rare bird or simply no longer exist in real terms...
One yacht-oriented club we have belonged to is the Unite Amateur, a non-profit organization in France that was an awesome resource in using its large membership's buying power to bring the cost of building, fitting out a boat, and maintaining/operating it once launched down to something akin to reasonable... No mean trick that!
When you think about it, a consumers of marine gear organization for cruisers would be no bad thing where 450% markups on gear hardly raises an eyebrow and are considered more normal than not...
Ya think?
Listening to Asani
So it goes...
A Tiny Cannon
1 day ago