Hey, did you read this story? Life is just too scary when you can't even go out and buy some chicken necks without things going into meltdown mode.
I distinctly remember planning to be in the south of France sipping a Pastis when the next hurricane season was doing the same old in the Caribbean...
What can I say... Shit does happen!
Since we are speaking of excremental stuff, I'll just say that invest 91L is not at all happy making...
So, what better time to talk about guitars and surfboards!
I've had several readers write and ask if I were going to confine myself to just one guitar which one would it be? The truth of the matter is being a quiver guitar type of guy it's a hard question but since you ask, I have given it a lot of thought and the Godin A-12 is as close to a single guitar that would come close... Close but no cigar!
Over at Horse's Mouth he had a perfect surfing photo...
... and my current mantra is build some new surfboards ASAP!
Providing 91L gives us a pass...
Listening to Buffy Saint-Marie
So it goes...