I've mentioned before that I have a Fein tool (the single speed model) and think the world of it. In fact, I use it so much I decided I needed another one, so being cheap I bought a Fein clone from Harbor Freight...
There was actually some method to my madness as I really wanted to try the "cheap-seats" version and compare the two plus I wanted to see how the various blades for the tool stood up to the Fein versions and make sure they were all interchangeable... and yes, saving a whole bunch of money in the process was part of the game plan.
So now that I've been using the clone for a year I've had a pretty good chance to use and compare and my review of the Harbor Freight version is... It's OK.
OK means it's serviceable, powerful and does all the stuff the Fein tool does nearly as well as the Fein, but that said, it is not the Fein. What keeps it from being as good as the Fein tool is the noise level (it's louder), a bit less oomph and that Harbor Freight "feel"... but the question of spending $40 for the clone or buying the Fein, a bit better tool, for $180... Well, that's up to you, but they both do the job.
On the plus side, the various blades and accessories for the Harbor Freight tool cost a fraction of what the Fein versions do and after a year of use I can say that they are just as good or better and this, take my word for it, is a wonderful thing!
Of course, these days, everyone is building an oscillating multi-function tool and hopefully this will result in better accessories and lower prices. Lucky for us is that all of the companies with their hat in the ring have decided to keep the accessories to a "sorta/kinda" standard mount which means you can pretty much pick and choose...
Life, as they say, is good!
Speaking of good, Dremel (yep they make an oscillating multi-function tool as well) have just come out with a very, very cool accessory that seriously rocks. Their Yoke Cutting Kit opens all sorts of creative doors and makes your Fein/Harbor Freight/Dremel/Bosch an altogether new tool that would make so many boat related jobs facile!
What's not to like?
Listening to Jerry Riopelle
So it goes...
Time to Dump
1 week ago