Saturday, December 11, 2021

Just to save fifteen minutes...

A needful read on the Value Theory of Labor, an excellent article on Lowell George, and a podcast with Lin Pardey that is well worth your time...

The other day while getting the old batteries into the dinghy in a rolly anchorage, I ran into a swell + wake moment which had me almost dropping the battery into the bottom of the dinghy; as a result, my back went into FUBAR mode.

Which has left me mostly horizontal and consuming Tylenol like it was popcorn. The worst part of the whole affair is I thought about using the boom and mainsheet to crane the batteries into the dinghy but decided that the extra fifteen minutes would take up too much time and went with the brute force method.

So, as a result of attempting to save fifteen minutes I'm wasting a week and a half of time I could be doing other needful things. The stupid it burns...

Listening to Michael Nesmith

So it goes...