Sunday, December 12, 2021

about the state of tings...

Regarding a hypocritical politician, a lesson in tax avoidance, and something on Caste and COVID that I found riveting...

I’ve been doing research for a project that has a working title of  “17 Boats” and you might just expect it to be about boats of the VolksCruiser persuasion. Which is what it started as but once you start down a path you think you know, suddenly, you find yourself in a bewildering unexplored territory.

Which is where I am these days. Writing a book on an uncomplicated subject like sailboats in complicated times can become something of a unique thing altogether. Throw in a worldwide pandemic and you’re not in Kansas anymore.

Then again, I don’t really want to be in Kansas...

Listening to Rosanne Cash

So it goes...