Monday, April 25, 2022

On losing the background noise...

A job that appeals to me, some depressing news, and in the "Let's not forget corporate profits" department...

Being an older person living in the future is sometimes problematic. Especially where boats and cruising are concerned.

Right now I'm hearing a lot of discussion about Starlink and the hopes and wishes that it will evolve into a service that will give cruisers the ability to be online 24/7 anywhere in the world including when in mid-ocean doing a crossing.

Just the other day I heard someone say that as soon as Starlink kicks in they'll finally be able to do a trans-Atlantic cruise. Apparently, a voyage now is impossible without the ability to access their Twitter, Facebook, and  Netflix accounts.

Now, while I'm a huge fan of progress where thought and science are concerned, there's a point where I have to sit back and reconsider whether or not Ned Ludd was on to something.

For me, the most attractive part of crossing oceans, is that it gives one a chance to get away from what passes for civilization and all of the attached baggage included in the modern world. That crossing an ocean requires one to be out of touch for a given amount of time is a big part of its appeal rather than a bug in the system.

I'm certain that most of the best thinking I've done has been when on passage due to the clarity generated by cutting out most of the background noise that is part and parcel of this modern world we live in today. 

I can hear the emails now... 

But Safety...

Of course, not being a complete Luddite, I'll opt for a means of getting weather and the ability to send a note to folks to let them know we're OK as my mother did not raise a complete idiot.

The insight, growth, and occasional terror that an ocean crossing on a small boat provides is a wonderful thing and the idea that you need to insulate yourself from the very reasons I choose to sail is a very sad thing.

Listening to Sir Woman

So it goes...