Tuesday, August 10, 2021

not complaining...

A question of note from John Scalzi, somewhat unsettling news, and in the "Who really wants societal collapse anyway" department...

Not much happening aboard "So It Goes" so far as the only weather we're currently experiencing is a light intermittent drizzle with zero wind. Which, I should add, is a more than welcome state of affairs.

My experience where storms are concerned is the big variable to the forecasts is always in terms of intensity. NOAA seems to have their tracking down to a fine science so, they most always know where a storm (or potential storm) is going to be but not necessarily how strong or weak it's going to be at a given point. Which is why we mostly try and prepare for the worse and hope for the best.

Of course, it's not unheard of for a non-event bit of weather to spin up and all of a sudden and go from not-even-a-depression to a full-tilt-boogie-tropical-storm in the time it took me to get in my dinghy at Water Island and go to St Thomas (a ten-minute trip). So, just saying it's best to treat weather like Potential Tropical  Cyclone Six as a potential threat until it becomes someone else's problem.

Listening to a pretty awesome music project

So it goes...