Not that crazy at all, some interesting battery news, and in the "make the puppet jump" department...
Some days I really find living in the consumerist nightmare that is 2018 some kinda depressing. Then again, maybe it's just me that's bothered by the relentless assault on my senses by greedy people who think I'm stupid.
Of late, I've been researching the finer points of watermakers, reverse osmosis systems in general, and the maintaining of such things in practice. As a result I now know a lot more than I used to which is not that big a deal because making water is actually a pretty simple subject.
That said, researching the subject is somewhat tedious because there is a whole lot of misinformation out and about that needs to be sifted through to get to the basic needful information. Misinformation, I might add, that would seem to be purposefully put out there to keep the consumer stupid because it's a whole lot easier to rip off folks if they're at an informational disadvantage.
I don't know about you but it really pisses me off when folks rip me off or try to and I've pretty much reached my limit in the whole "Just throw another boat buck at it" Stockholm Syndrome two-step.
Just saying...
More on watermakers, rip offs, and suchlike soonish.
Listening to Bombino
So it goes...
Time to Dump
6 days ago