Some lucid thinking where the book of face is concerned, a reminder that there is such a thing as privileged scum among us, and in the "All I really want for the coming Chanukah are some perp walks" department...
We all do things differently and, while not everyone seems to agree, I think that's a goodly thing. Then again, I've never really been a big fan of conformity and homogenization for the sake of appearance because it's mostly just boring and tends to tamp down innovation.
Which is why, when a forty-something white fiberglass boat comes in to an anchorage it hardly merits a glance unless it's doing something stupid. On the other hand, a small tidy cruising boat almost always fires up my curiosity and usually has something of interest worth checking out.
Which is not to say there's anything wrong with being in a forty-something white plastic sailboat because the only person you really need to make happy is you. Being happy, when you think about it, is the purpose behind the whole sailing off into the sunset gig after all.
Whatever floats your boat is OK.
Listening to a plethora of Stones covers (while being amused at the idea that Mick Jagger is now 75)
So it goes...
Time to Dump
6 days ago