Monday, March 30, 2015

on the positive side of contraction...

David Simon tells it like it is, hot news from Antarctica, and some thoughts on so-called christian values...

A lot of my thinking regarding boats is based on the simple facts that we live on a small planet with finite resources/too many people, a world economy based on expansion, and that I can do basic math. Which makes for a pretty scary world view but, I still believe, one not without hope...

In today's Clusterfuck Nation James Howard Kunstler makes a lot of good points that I mostly agree with but one thing he said seriously resonated for me...

"You could call it a lower standard of living, or just a different way to live."

 ...which really nails it as far as I'm concerned because we're not talking about a lower standard of living here on Boat Bits but where a more sustainable lifestyle and boats fit together in a different way to live.

Just maybe, a better way to live...

Listening to Geronimo Getty

So it goes...