Thursday, June 05, 2014

Sometimes you just have to embrace the process...

An important reminder over at Black Mountain Cycles, I think I just threw up a little in my mouth, and I'd say "It's all very scary" seems a pretty damn apt description...

Have you ever thought about how well the Kübler-Ross five stage model works where boat stuff is concerned? For those who remain hazy let me remind you how the model goes...






I tend to run through those stages just about everytime I have to buy something for the boat, pick a plan to build, or work on the boat and I accept it as just part of the process. Which, I suppose is why I'm a moderately happy camper.

It seems to me a whole lot of folks get stuck on denial and anger while others never get past depression... Kind of a bummer that.

Listening to Michael Nesmith

So it goes...