Not exactly happy making, a somewhat dire holiday scenario, and here's a question...
I was hoping to cut my dinghy in half this week but it looks like I won't get around to it till next week.
I expect you might be wondering why someone would take a perfectly good dinghy and cut it in half... The answer is two fold in that we need to make the dinghy nesting so it can stow on deck better and I want to look at how the cheap plywood exterior plywood is holding up.
I like it when I can learn something...
This dinghy (a Bolger/Payson stretched Tortoise), being a temporary I-need-a-dinghy-yesterday sort of project necessitated by the cancerous Caribe we used to have falling apart has held up surprisingly well considering I never even bothered to paint it.
As it happens, the reason for no paint was not just because I'm lazy but because I wanted to see how the then new RAKA epoxy with UV inhibitors would hold up against the Caribbean sun. For the record the UV inhibitors work far better than expected and you can color me a happy camper.
Better yet, Russel Brown had some really good tips in his book about epoxy ("Epoxy Basics: Working with Epoxy Cleanly & Efficiently") which I'd anxious to try out on the new, nestable, and improved version of the temporary dinghy that is anything but...
Fun times!
Listening to the Bahamas
So it goes...
Time to Dump
3 days ago