Twist-o-flex, why you might want to keep in mind that the only thing your insurance company cares about is profit, and I'm pretty sure there's a lesson to be learned here...
I need a new circular saw...
I mention this because in reading various reviews and suchlike on circular saws I see how consumerism really gets in the way of getting my hands on a decent saw. The problem seems to be that folks invest far too much of themselves in things they buy,
Whether it's status, the need to let folks know you have lots of money, or the simple fetish of having to have art/jewelry it gets in the way of the fact that a circular saw is just a tool and, if it does the job, it works.
I expect you know where this train is going...
I mention boats from time to time on the blog. I don't, however, do reviews of the nitpickery sort and it tends to bother some folks as they often write to tell me how I really should have gone into more detail and compared it to another boat and suchlike.
For me boats are just tools and they either work or they don't. The bottom line is that I respect boats that work and make sense but just don't have any time for boats that don't...
Now, back to that search for a circular saw...
Listening to Daniel Balavoine
So it goes...
Time to Dump
4 days ago