Some military madness, a tidbit from the "we're really screwed" department, and this, because it would make a lot of sense as well as make several regular readers of Boat Bits heads explode...
So, what's on the project list this month?
Well, for a start I have to paint the deck and, as I need to remove/re-bed some deck hardware anyway, it makes some sense.
It's way past time to replace the portlights on the coach roof as the perspex is WAY past it's sell by date. Not a horrible project except the super large sizing of said windows makes for a lot more waste which is anathema to my frugal nature... So much so, that I am seriously considering just filling in the overlarge spaces and redesigning the portlights to be a bit smaller.
The ongoing/endless redesign and rebuild of the galley/salon, of course (Lord, will this job ever end?).
Did someone say radar arch?
Not to mention that we just heard that our new electronic antifouling kit from Australia (which has been unavailable and we have been waiting for over a year on) is waiting for us at our mail drop in St Thomas...
Listening to Neil Innes
So it goes...
Outlaw Love
1 day ago