Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Need/Want and the popularity stakes...

Something worthwhile to read with your coffee, this is interesting, and a few words on belief...

A soon to be ex-reader wrote the other day and complained that Boat Bits was not exactly his cup of tea and suggested a few ways I could improve things. Now, I'm a big boy, thrive on input, and can deal with criticism. Maybe he has a point!

One way suggested to improve the blog is that I should write more about mainstream stuff that people actually care about... You know the America's Cup, what Cruising World thinks is the Boat-of-the-Year, and which integrated instrument system is the "BEST".

Another suggestion was that I could be a lot "hipper" and more like another blog that simply reeks BCBG hipness but, to quote the all-knowing and greatest East Bay band ever "Tower of Power", what is "hip"?

There's more, but it all boiled down to a lot of ways for "Boat Bits" to become more popular by doing things that would make Boat Bits a whole lot less like Boat Bits...

You see, if popularity was all that this was about, Boat Bits would be named Cats24/7 and would be nothing but cute cat videos...

Then again, if I did that, it would not be about boats and suchlike for the cheapseats crowd now would it?

Listening to Tower of Power

So it goes...