Wednesday, December 05, 2012

Killing the monster...

Something truly exciting, yet another pissing match, and a cool blog...

I've been spending a lot of time recently contemplating a possible if somewhat iffy future project I'd like to do. I mention this because non-concrete projects have far too much in the way of "what if " imagining. Not unlike the process of buying a boat.

If you're anything like me, you probably make up a want list of needful things you want the boat to have which is normal but there is a point where all of a sudden that want list gets out of control and becomes a monster...

Which is why, I suppose, a lot of folks write and ask me where they can find or how to adapt boats that fulfill a truly impossible wish list of often incompatible features.

I blame part of this situation on the monster breeding ground called the internet. Where on any forum or blog where everyone's an expert, if you can ask enough people, someone will agree that your want list is perfectly sane and not monsterish at all.

Which brings me back to the project I'm considering... Yesterday the list had already achieved some real seriously knarly monster status and I had to step back and kill that sucker dead...

Listening to Jesse & Joy

So it goes...