Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Lots of stuff to read...

A little reminder for those with electric propulsion, just so we're all on the same page, and, apparently, iPads are kinda popular in some circles...

Having a Kindle and a Nook has made some big changes aboard "So It Goes".

The obvious advantage is that some of the book clutter is a thing of the past and we're actually being able to reclaim some (albeit small) storage space for stuff other than books.

The other thing is that the instant nature of E-Books means that we no longer have to get books shipped to us and that is an awesome improvement in the often convoluted logistical nightmare that is getting a book to some small island in a timely manner or depend on finding an errant cruiser with books I might be interested in reading (we only seem to find folks with lawyer books and bodice rippers)...

The downside is that I find myself in a bizarre situation never encountered before where, all of a sudden, I have a big backlog of books I have not read yet...

Life, as they say, is most excellent!

Oh, and on a completely unrelated subject, this new design by Rodger Martin is seriously cool...

Listening to Wilson Pickett

So it goes...