Saturday, October 20, 2012

Anyone want to build a boat?

In the you are what you eat department, Kurt Hughes points out something very cool for boat folk, and James Cameron makes some points...

Several readers wrote asking about how difficult it would be to build a balanced lug sailboat of the cruising persuasion...

Well, on one hand not so hard and then, on the other... Well, it can be a serious bitch! The thing is, it's not so much about the actual building as it is about the hassle factors and obstacles to your ongoing momentum.

Now, let's say I wanted to build Tad Roberts 44' balanced lug schooner from his Future Cruiser designs (something I've given no small amount of thought process to) I already know a few things...

One, it's a big project. Two, it's going to take a chunk of money to put one together and three, it would be a lot easier if I were able to build in a co-op situation with a few other folks who want to build similar boats (even better if they were all Future Cruisers).

The advantages of building in a co-op situation is that it makes finding a proper building site easier and more affordable, cuts the cost of materials to a great degree, and just generally makes for a faster more affordable build.

So anyway, if I were to decide to build such a beast I'd do my best to find three or four like-minded souls who also wanted to build a reasonable facsimile so we could put together a co-op...

Just saying...

Listening to Dave Mason

So it goes...