Some needful history, the drought takes its toll, and Sail Magazine talks electronic antifouling (Speaking of electronic antifouling, if there are any readers of Boat Bits in OZ who'd be interested in helping me out with an errand, please drop us a line)...
The other day I mentioned the USVI has proposed a big hike in fees for local and visiting boats, so color me not too surprised when I heard from Stephen J. Pavlidis that the Turks and Caicos Islands were raising their fees...
Customs fees in the Turks and Caicos Islands for those wishing to stay less than 7 days have risen from US$15 to US$100, even if you are only stopping for fuel. The Duty officer can still show discretion for vessels delayed in leaving within the week for weather window or repair problems. Vessels staying over 7 days will need a 90 day cruising permit (US$300).Hardly surprising but depressing none the less.
Listening to Doug and the Slugs
So it goes...