A book to look forward to, 30 trillion gallons of toxic liquid (I think we're going to need a bigger filter), and just another seriously stupid dude in Florida who pees into a cup (shame about the alligator though)...
A couple of days ago this post from Sundowner Sails Again was in my RSS feed. I'll give you a chance to go read it...
Good. Kind of sucks does it not? Now, I expect we all agree that getting robbed and having your personal space violated is no fun. That said, their comparisons to the age old danger and pirate talking points make pretty solid sense.
Me, I'm going to bookmark that post so the next time some well meaning person points out that going to sea in a small boat is a high risk enterprise, I'll send them over to check it out.
Listening to Prince
So it goes...
A Deal with the Devil
13 hours ago