Friday, May 11, 2012

We still have coffee in the morning...

A blogger with a mission, Senator Barry Goldwater with an apt prophecy, and in aid of a good cause...

I'm having some serious issues with the stove on "So It Goes" and the answer to whatever the problem is seems way too elusive for what is, in essence, a very simple system... But, more on that another day.

In the meantime, we're using our SeaSwing type stove (a Force 10 SeaCook) so no great hardship.

Speaking of the SeaCook stove, we finally got tired of buying silly expensive burners for it and simply bought a small single burner stove at KMart that fit right in and works finest-kind (something the Force 10 short lived, silly expensive burners never did) for twelve bucks. I expect it will last a lot longer as well...

Listening to Tony Joe White & Country Soul Revue

So it goes...