Thursday, May 10, 2012

on reinventing the wheel when you don't need to...

Something to be angry about, a bike I like, and a book I've really been looking forward to...

Some interesting stuff over at the Greenheart Project...

Just my take, but in almost all of the various green sustainable sail projects I keep hearing about, there's always an element of reinventing the wheel which, seems to me, somewhat less than needful, expensive, and counterproductive to the real job at hand.

Phil Bolger tackled the same sort of needs in his Sir Joseph Banks design (it has an eye-opening chapter in "Boats With An Open Mind"). Unlike so many similar projects/designs all the tech involved in this design is well tested, affordable, and user buildable. No reinventing of the wheel anywhere...

Maybe not quite as sexy as some high tech cutting edge flavor-of-the-month design that would cost more than it could save or earn (and how the heck can you be sustainable if you can't make ends meet I wonder?) but it is practical with a capital "P"!

Listening to Susan Tedeschi

So it goes...