In the "I told you so" department, an interview well worth reading over at Trilo Boat, and a trailer you should watch...
So, the ongoing and sometimes perplexing search for our waterline continues and in today's episode we ask ourselves about that hunk of stainless steel bolted to our aft rail.
The fact is, we don't barbecue very much. Part of the reason is that having a "marine" BBQ means that it is really hard to control temperature (it's either too hot or too cool) or in any sort of a wind over a couple of knots to keep it lit at all, which leads to the fact that firing up the BBQ is seldom a first choice when presented with a culinary question.
The other day we realized that is has been something like two years or so since we used the over-priced bit of stainless bling... More than time to take a leaf from the Davies example of what to do with a no longer needful/wanted #3 Rippingille stove (of course, you'll have to read "Riddle of the Sands" to know what that is).
So, the thought is to replace the useless stainless bling with a little ceramic Hibachi for the cockpit and/or a small folding BBQ that would not take up any space and we could take to the beach.
Listening to The Kingsmen
So it goes...
Time to Dump
3 days ago