Sunday, May 15, 2011

Speaking of #3 Rippingille stoves...

I've just started listening to an audio version of "Riddle of the Sands" (you can get it here for free) and as often as I've read this book it never gets old and is easily the best sailing yarn I have ever come across...

The funny thing is... as many times as I have devoured the "Riddle of the Sands" I have never had a clear picture of exactly what a Number 3 Rippingille stove actually looks like, so on a whim did a search and found the very thing...

A seriously cool stove!

Is not the internet wonderful?

Funny thing, I always expected the #3 Rippingille to look something like an old brass Optimus instead of a precursor to what most of us think as a proper boat stove (like the Camp Chef).

Listening to Jo Mama

So it goes...