A freedom of the press workaround, Cartel enforcers, and, there's always more to the story...
I'm curious about something and I wonder if any Boat Bits readers have a clue as to the answer...
Last night I noticed an anchor light in an odd place but figured I was just a little turned around as we had an evil swell so none of the boats were in the usual places. This morning I see that the anchor light in question was provided by a boat that is anchored right in the middle of the channel through the reef.
Now, maybe it's just me, but anchoring in a marked channel seems like an odd place to drop the hook, especially when that channel is used all the time by inter-island freight boats who are in a hurry and made of steel.
The thing is, it's not an unusual occurrence. The first couple of times I simply wrote it off to the doofus factor but it happens so regularly these days I'm starting to wonder if it's in the guide book or the new ASA syllabus...
So anyway, if any readers have the answer to why folks seem to think anchoring in a buoyed channel is OK, do let me know as it's been keeping me up nights...
Listening to Sons of Bill
So it goes...
Sunday, January 22, 2012
Something of a conundrum...
Posted by
Sunday, January 22, 2012
Labels: anchoring