Tuesday, November 08, 2011

Things that go bump and some trust issues...

Regarding the current "Big Lie",  some surfboard porn, and this is going to cause me some sleepless nights...

I woke up this morning thinking about a chunk of rock the size of an aircraft carrier and I would not be telling the truth if I did not mention the fact that I find it just a little nervous making.

I'm pretty sure I'd feel a lot better about it if we still had a real space program as the cutting of funds for space, weather, and other important programs has, more than likely, not left the best and brightest minds watching the skies for things that might go bump or doing calculations on trajectories for things they do see...

Then there is that little fact that we get lied to a lot these days by people who we elect into office. We keep seeing a trend of the powers that be doctoring the work of scientists because it gets in the way of various agendas... The Texas approach to climate change pops to mind. True, I do have some serious trust issues but in my defense, I have good reason to.

Not that this big chunk of rock is going to... you know, destroy the world, end civilization, or even ruin anyone's day but folks win lotteries all the time and the chances of that are not too different than two astronomical bodies bumping into each other...

Me, I'm off to go buy a couple of lottery tickets...

Listening to Dan Bern

So it goes...