Wednesday, August 10, 2011

The view above the rut...

Krugman paints a dire picture, interesting backstory to "Turkish Song of the Damned", and, with a little thought, I'm sure this could be of great use on a boat...

Then again, to make something useful on a boat that is not the same old same, often involves thinking a little outside the box or sticking your head out of the rut you find yourselves in. Not always an easy task, as most folks are not even aware they are in a box/rut and when they do get a chance to look outside said rut/box find that peer pressure to crawl back inside somewhat intense...

So, what would Boat Bits readers (demented certainly but not rut or box bound by any means) come up with  a use or application for this electroluminescent goodness?

Just asking...

Listening to John Sebastian

So it goes...