Some soft-shackle discussion, more on Wisconsin vote culling, and a whiffle bat to hold off the sharks.
Reading what passes for news these days is something of a distressing pursuit... Most folks I know simply don't do it anymore preferring to read about Lady Gaga and Amy Winehouse (sad that) or other non-news news instead of dealing with things that might actually affect their lives. Not unlike doing the ostrich thing (if I don't see it or know about it, it can't hurt me).
So it does go...
A couple of people took exception to my discourse yesterday regarding folks with 5/10/15-year plans to go cruising and those unlucky souls who happen to work in cubicles...
That they missed the point is unfortunate... After all, I have nothing against folks with detailed plans for their lives. The fact I have never actually met someone cruising who got there by having a long term plan to go cruising, leads me to believe that long term plans have a way of changing and just maybe what seems like a good idea when you are forty when you set down your 15-year plan to go cruising is somehow maybe not doable when you are 55... Things change, as do plans, and you never know when the zombie apocalypse is going to happen.
The thought that I have something akin to malice where cubicle workers are concerned is simply not true (well actually there are those who work in customer service that come close...) but malice is certainly not the right word anymore than it would be for folks that work in sewers... It's simply that I have no desire to work in a cubicle or sewer (though sewer before cubicle as I don't see a sewer job being outsourced to Mumbai anytime soon) and it is not a job I'd ever consider in place of being a boat bum.
The whole point is simply if you want to go sailing go sailing... Life is simply too damn short to put off the good stuff.
Listening to John Fogerty
So it goes...
A Deal with the Devil
9 hours ago