The Kabuki debt ceiling madness just goes on and on while the real work of fixing the economy is ignored, Mountain Gazette has my new favorite word, and Panbo is one with his outboard...
Yesterday was the day from hell...
My starting cord on our generator parted and the day was spent replacing the cord and I won't bore you with the dismantling of generator, trips to stores to find bits, and an otherwise wasted day that could have been productive... Such is life on a boat.
What keeps me sane is the fact that when shit hits the fan in my little floating world aboard "So It Goes" is that as funky as it ever gets, life would be so much worse if I was one of those guys working in a cubicle hoping my company does not outsource my job to Mumbai and with a 5, 10, or 15-year plan to go cruising... Now that would be hell!
Of course, I do have my own business of sorts, and like a good freelancer I know never to keep all my eggs in a single basket or get too comfortable on my income. So, while underemployed in some folks view I'm never bothered by the lurking dread that my job may go "poof" to enable some CEO to get an even bigger bonus/MEGA yacht.
While according to the yachting press one should never go cruising in a boat one might actually afford to pay cash for, my hurricane bashed fixer-upper CAL 34 has been a comfortable home and sails finest kind for less than the cost of the custom Sunbrella work and dinghy on some 50+ foot Bendytoys that anchor next to me...
So, I really should not bitch, as a day from hell for me (fixing a generator in my cockpit on a perfect Caribbean day) just might be considered heaven by that guy in the cubicle with the spectre of unemployment in a bad economy hovering right behind him.
I'm a very happy camper all things considered!
Listening to Michael Stanley
So it goes...
A Deal with the Devil
17 hours ago