Wednesday, June 08, 2011

Would the designer of your boat be a happy camper?

I just finished watching the DVD of "The Walking Dead" and it was every bit as good as I'd heard it would be...

Too often, when folks decide to make a comic, book or whatever into a film they lose touch with the source material, screw it all up and excise the very thing that made the original so attractive. Luckily the production team of "WD" did the original proud. That said, you'd be doing yourself a real favor to first read the first Walking Dead graphic novel...

The two versions of "Walking Dead" can actually teach us a thing or two about about the zen of what makes a good cruising boat as well...

All too often I see people attracted to a boat design and then do everything they can to make it into something else. Sadly from where I sit 90% of what people do to boats in the guise of improving them is of the one step forward, two steps back scenario.

I like to think that if Bill Lapworth were to see "So It Goes" he would see the sense in the changes we've made in the boat and if there has been one mantra involved when changes have been made is "What would Bill Lapworth think about this?".

Designers of boats design as they do to a purpose, and in the heat of the moment, it is easy to lose touch with what that purpose is. You feel you need more water stowage so you add tanks and lose a chunk of your waterline, you feel you need even more fuel stowage and you throw 350 pounds of jerry cans on your deck and wonder why the boat is not keeping up with the Bendytoys. Since your light air performance is off you motor more and all of a sudden you are looking at cunning plans to be able to carry even more jerry cans of fuel or thinking that a trawler is really a viable option in a world where diesel fuel is over $5 a gallon just around the corner.

So, whenever the urge strikes to change or add something to the boat just ask yourself if the designer would be happy/unhappy with the change... Or, better yet, ask yourself what the boat wants.

Listening to David Bowie

So it goes...