It's raining...
I'm not complaining, just simply stating a fact. I had planned to buy a sheet of plywood today and spend the afternoon cutting it into smaller pieces for various projects. But, I can do that manana...
Mananas though, for some folks, might get a little iffy with the rapture just around the corner on Saturday. Which, as it happens, is also "Talk like Yoda Day". Truth be told, I have a whole lot more faith that we will all be talking like Yoda...
That said, I really have to admire those folks who have seen the Rapture as a new growth industry. Something not unlike the Cruising Rally Business...
I've actually been giving some serious thought about a new sort of Cruising Rally married with the idea that when the Zombie apocalypse happens it will open a whole new cruising dynamic. As a member in good standing of the marine trades, I am honor bound to try and make an obscene profit on disasters. So, if I can't seriously gouge someone with an upcoming Zombie apocalypse, I'll be drummed out of the Marine Trades Association...
I think Z.A.R.C. has a nice ring to it and beats the hell out of the Sailing Dead 1500!
Of course, ripping people off on this scale takes some serious planning and is not without some serious competition. I notice a lot of other folks are sniffing around the Zombie Apocalypse trend and it's not just cruising rallies. Rumour has it that Harken is working up a new line of zombie proof winches, Colligo has some interesting new lifeline kits (I didn't even know there was such a thing as barbed Dynex Dux) and then there's Rocna...
The bad news is that the Center for Disease Control is working really hard on preparing for the Zombie apocalypse and doing their best to take the apocalypse part out of the equation, which obviously would cut into profits. Fact is, they have already published a guide to staying safe in the event of a Zombie breakout... Bummer, that would really screw up my rally plans. I'd feel so much more comfortable if instead of the all too competent CDC working on keeping the Zombie hordes at bay, that a more inept and fumbling agency (FEMA, TSA, etc) were to take over and help put a capital "A" back in Apocalypse...
Listening to Sister Hazel
So it goes...
Time to Dump
1 week ago