Tuesday, January 04, 2011

Apocalypse and silver linings...

Some folks seem to have a preconceived idea of what the future is going to be. Some think the future will continue just like it is while others are thinking "Mad Max" dune buggies will be the order of the day...

Off hand, I'd say both of those camps are a few sandwiches short of a full tilt picnic and my guess is that in the not too distant future things are just going to be different (though, just maybe different with a capital "D"). Different is not always an apocalyptic thing but can be if you are incapable of rolling with the flow and not take advantage of opportunities presented...

Technology is a wonderful thing and for anyone who's been watching the tech world there is ample evidence of multiple glimmering silver linings in the approaching storm...

Way back when, JFK used a mistranslation of the Chinese word for crisis (wei-chi) in a speech because it contained the "wei" (a word that could mean danger)  and "chi" (a word that could be construed to mean opportunity but only in a kinda/sorta way) and as a result everyone now thinks that the Chinese word for crisis or danger also means opportunity. The fact that it does not (without some serious massaging) hardly matters as JFK simply gave it a new meaning and it stuck. I only mention this because... Well, some of our Boat Bits readers can be seriously nit-picky folks... and it's fun to beat them to the punch!

But, in truth, crisis, danger, and even apocalypse always ride with opportunity of one sort or another and there will be silver linings. The trick is simply to be able to see and take advantage of them when they arrive...

So it goes...

Listening to Michael Nesmith make some sense (Roll With The Flow) on "Live at the Palais"