Over the years I have used just about every type of epoxy available to boatbuilders and for the most part they all work really well but they all have a definite learning curve attached to the process. Mostly I simply choose epoxy based on the two factors of quality of service and availability. Price, of course, does come into the picture but more often than not, availability and service always trumps cost.
Every once in awhile though, things all come together (availability, excellent service and a good price) and I get to do the "Happy Dance"... Such is the current case with the materials for the new mast, new dinghy and a new self-steering gear for "So It Goes". Which brings us to the RAKA epoxy folks...
I've been using their epoxy for a number of years and it works great but then again so do all of the other players in the whole goops for boatbuilders niche. What is really wonderful about the folks at Raka is that they are quick at filling orders and don't hesitate to ship via US Mail (remember how I went on about Mr Zip being your friend?) and, as a result, I saved over five hundred dollars on shipping alone. Throw in the fact that Raka is also a chunk cheaper than most of the epoxy and glass folks and you have some impressive savings. What's even more astounding is that within three days after ordering, the three big boxes of epoxy, fillers and glass, found its way to us here in St Croix... way to go Mr Zip!
I'd be seriously remiss, however, in not pointing out, that the West System folks pretty much invented modern epoxy boat building and we owe them a lot and they'd be my first choice if I did not have to deal with middlemen who seem more than apt at not giving the sort of service that WEST system used to be all about. That said, I have never yet done a project that at some time or other, I did not refer to "The Gougeon Brothers On Boat Construction" for the needful answer to a question or an idea. If you ever plan to work with epoxy, this tome is the foundation to understanding epoxy boat building and repair, as well as how it all works.
Time to Dump
1 week ago