This one was the one that resonated the most for us. I liked the look and the interior seemed to give what we desired more or less. Not perfect, but a great place to start from.
At the time we had Phil's Jessie Cooper design (Loose Moose) and, as much as we liked the balanced lug rig it sported, I had a lot of reservations about Phil's favorite rig the dipping lug. I wrote back to say that we liked the cartoon mostly but maybe we should change the rig and how about going with a gaff rig? This, of course, was the first of several forks in the road that took us to what would become the actual Loose Moose 2.
I still don't think dipping lug was the way to go for us but what sort of boat would Phil have designed for us if I'd said instead of "let's try a gaff rig", I'd said "Let's try a balanced lug"? Sadly, it is no longer possible to go back and see where that line of thought would take us...