Being a surf oriented dude who likes building boards and is cruising on a sailboat is no easy matter... The big hassle is the foam blanks which are silly expensive these days, shipping over-sized anything is nearly ruinous to the budget!
Which is why I was all sorts of excited when one of my favorite blogs, The Horses Mouth, hipped me to the work of Mike Sheldrake and his cardboard surfboards!
For a core material, cardboard makes all kinds of sense and unlike foam surfboard blanks, cardboard is available anywhere in the world or is shippable as kits for a small fraction of what a foam blank would cost! Throw in the advantage that you could store the makings of several surfboards on a smallish sailboat and... YOWZA!
Add that the cardboard/epoxy/glass composite boards are light (with a capital "L") and I get all kinds of warm and fuzzy feelings!
Did I say I was some kind of seriously excited?
Time to Dump
4 days ago