Very few people ever talk about the negative side of the various paradises we sail to but take my word for it there is always a dark side...
Years ago when we were in the Canary Islands the plight of abandoned dogs and cats was heart breaking and we have yet to make landfall on an island in the Caribbean that did not have serious problems of the abandoned dog and cat sort at best and serious animal cruelty in the form of mistreatment and such pastimes as dog and cock fighting are palmed off as simply being a part of island culture...But more about that at a later date.
Right now you might want to take the time to pop over to S.P.E.C.I.E.E.S. (Society (to) Prevent Exotic Contamination (of) Island Eco-Systems (and) Endangered Species) who is currently doing much needed important and good work in the Galapagos Islands.
Do the right thing...
Time to Dump
1 week ago