While not as sweet and pretty as the Electric Yacht propulsion system that Ferdinand sports on his CAL 40 the Electric propulsion on our CAL 34 "So It Goes" does work and as long as I'm throwing out pictures of electric drives it is only fair to show my own modest effort.
One of these days I will most likely spring for a toothed belt and sprockets but as the chain has been there for several years and still works with nary a sign of rust ( Thank you BOESHIELD!) it will most likely be later rather than sooner...While on the Amps instead of diesel subject ...I just heard from one of my charter captain buddies that Trinidad long a source for fuel at around a $1.50 TT a Liter has now decided that foreign flag boats are no longer entitled to fuel at Trinidad prices and will be charged at "real world" pricing which is now in the $6.00 TT a Liter range...Which is still cheap at being just a kiss short of $4 US a gallon in a world where $6 a gallon no longer raises an eyebrow.
...Now most of the boats I know tend to get at best about one hour of running time to a gallon of fuel which if you have a mid 30's foot boat means about five or six knots under power...and that equals a Buck a nautical mile or damn near close to it...OUCH!
Tell me again why electric drives don't make sense...
Time to Dump
1 week ago