Pirates of the Caribbean has a lot to answer for and I won't bore you with a rant on what is not a good thing about making a film series ( I won't use the word franchise...) based on an amusement park ride but it has become a part of popular culture and while we who have a long time interest in things maritime,nautical and dare I say pyratical might find it less than it could be it most certainty is popular and when all is said and done that is something of a good ting...One of these days someone will make a good pirate movie but if nothing else POTC was a wonderful exercise for Johnny Depp and that alone was almost in itself sufficient excuse to do the film.
I've always liked music that has something to do with the sea and to say that I am enjoying the numerous and varied music that has been springing forth recently of a pyratical nature would be something of an understatement. Who would ever thought that you could listen to pirate rap or metal ( though I am still waiting for Pirate Country Western to arrive!) and while to be truthful the rap and metal offerings are not quite my cup of grog ( sorry could not help that) I really do admire the spirit and creative bent they represent. My personal tastes tend to be along the lines of the British 70's electric folk groups such as Lindisfarne, Steeleye Span, Fairport Convention with nods to more modern groups like the Bilge Pumps ( I mean how can you not like a band whose album is Brigands with Big uns!) and the Volunteers a great and wonderful Celtic outfit out of Miami...and suchlike as the model of what type pirate music works for me.
Maybe the best single source to dabble in all of this madness is BilgeMunky radio a podcast of various music piratical..Always a good listen and always fun and I always make sure that I have it on my Ipod when doing those late night watches on passage. When Pirate country western makes an appearance I'm sure the first to have it will be BilgeMunky!
Music available from Amazon.com:
Simple Sampan
1 day ago