Tuesday, March 29, 2022

Regarding real world dinghy reviews...

 Applying logic to an illogical situation, follow the money, and in the "Money vs science" department...

Voile Magazine has an excellent test of dinghies you might want to check out. It's the sort of review which I'd love to see in a USA publication and it got me thinking.

One of the things that gets up my nose where designers of dinghies are concerned is that if they have a photo of their design in use it shows just one person rowing on a dead flat and apparently windless body of water.

The picture I want to see is someone rowing to weather with at least another person aboard, a couple of five-gallon Jerry jugs of water, and a full load of groceries. You know, just a normal cruising dinghy situation.

Well, I can dream can't I?

Listening to Madi Diaz

So it goes...