Friday, May 07, 2021

Just another FUBAR in paradise...

A needful read, on the new normal in terms of climate, and a great resource that deserves some support...

So, a bit of local Caribbean news.

Great weather, you're on your sailboat and you run out of fuel so you...

  1. Put up the sails.
  2. Sail to your destination.
  3. Anchor when you get there and chill. 


  1. Don't put up sails because you don't know how.
  2. Turn on the EPIRB because you can't find your flares.
  3. Get towed to a marina because you don't know how to anchor.
  4. Cost the powers that be a small fortune in taxpayer dollars for aviation and rescue costs.

Which makes me wonder whether I'll be seeing this sordid mess find its way to YouTube with some T & A click bait.

Listening to Seabird

So it goes...