Saturday, July 30, 2022

that time of year again...

Jon Stewart with some choice words, something about Esperanto, and Thursday was Overshoot day...

We're sliding into the serious part of "H" season and I haven't even begun to sort out what all needs to be done. From the look of thing it would seem I'm not an exception.

Maybe it's the ongoing COVID pandemic and the fact that so many people seem to believe that if you don't like the current reality you can just replace it with one of your choosing mindset. Or, possibly, it's just a lot of folks are just so tired of the crazy that the idea of a hurricane coming along and blowing it all away is just a passive way of coping with what's going on.

Whatever it is it's starting to scare me and it's well past time to get to doing.

Listening to Pigeon Pit 

So it goes...