Sunday, May 01, 2022

regarding the current zombie outbreak...

Badtux pointing out how he feels, another case of Affluenza, and in the "Filtration camp" department...

It was recently pointed out that it's been ages since I posted something about the coming zombie apocalypse. 

Well there's a good reason for that because way back in 2016 we actually entered into a state of zombie apocalypse so I felt it was no longer needful to write about something coming when it was happening and, sadly, still happening.

Obviously, the zombies in our particular apocalypse don't follow the George Romero model as they don't eat people but they are a whole lot scarier because it's harder to fight wholesale stupidity when it walks and talks like a real person.

Fact is, I sorta/kinda miss the whole flesh and brain eating zombies because they had a lot more going for them than the current crop.

Now, it's time to get on to those belaying pins...

Listening to a an excellent 70s playlist

So it goes...