Wednesday, March 02, 2022

a niche that needs to be filled...

Scalzi on the current situation, today's word, and a very needful read...

I often find that my view of the cruising boat marketplace or, rather, my view of what some people want is not followed by those who make decisions about what boats get put on the market.

So, why did several readers of Boat Bits get excited about a new open bridgedeck catamaran yesterday and felt the need to tell me about it?

Apparently, after numerous requests for an open bridgedeck version of Bernd Kohler's KD 860 design, Bernd has come up with just that.

At just a kiss over 26-feet it would be less expensive, lighter, and have a larger payload then the KD 860. On the down side it has less interior space and only one double berth.

For a couple though it would be an affordable and easily built cat.

I expect there will be more info on the design soonish.

I'll also point out that Michael Schacht has a similar design in the works which has the added advantage of being demountable.

If you're like me and think this is a niche that you're interested in drop me a line...

Listening to Betty Moon cover Gimme Shelter

So it goes...