Friday, December 24, 2021

a Holidaze reflection...

A change of ownership, some very needful reading, and in the "Christmas confessions" department...

So yeah, it's Friday, the day before Christmas, and I just read that the plague ship Odyssey of the Sea is scheduled to dock in St Thomas this coming week. Stealing a line from John Lennon so this is Christmas in 2021.

Interesting times indeed.

On the bright side, it's the first Christmas in a very long time that we're not currently at war with anyone and that's a very good thing. Sure would be nice if that state of affairs continues.

Maybe Dickens had it right with the whole best of times worst of times thing.

Here's hoping everyone reading this has a most excellent Holidaze with a best of times vibe.

Listening to some new to me holiday fare

So it goes...