Wednesday, October 27, 2021


A dinosaur making sense, an article on evolving chemistry, and in the "Fuzzy math and headlines" department...

While it appears that the hurricane season is waning there is still a certain stress factor for the next month or so and I still remember hurricane Lenny in 1999 which surprised us all coming from the wrong direction and wrecking havoc in mid-November.

Plus, as it happens, I have a variety of projects I'd like to get to that are weather sensitive and that doubles down on the stress factors and pisses me off because I really wanted to do a new mast. It just does not seem like I'm going to be able to get to it within the current time frame.

On the positive side, I can now get my Covid booster shot within the next week and that will help keep the stress levels down to manageable proportions.

Listening to some Carole King coverage

So it goes...